Individual Therapy
Evidence-based therapy helping adults navigate life transitions, reduce anxiety, and create meaningful change through personal growth.
Counseling for Adults in Los Altos, and Online Therapy across California
Helping individuals achieve a sense of clarity, connection, and self-actualization.
You’re ready to:
Break the anxious thought patterns that you know aren’t productive.
Feel proud of how you are showing up in your relationships.
Hold healthier, loving boundaries that protect your mind and your heart.
No longer feel controlled by your emotions.
Be confident that you can be “ok” even if life around you doesn’t feel that way.
Shift your actions to better align with your values.
Understand behavioral patterns that keep you stuck.
Does this sound like you?
You’re spending so much time in your own head that it feels impossible not to overthink and second-guess yourself at every turn.
Although most people would envy your achievements in school or work, you live with a constant sense of unease and anxiety that is impacting how you show up in your life, your work, and your relationships.
You can’t stop comparing yourself to other people, even when you’re not sure you really value what you’re competing for.
You sometimes feel that you are controlled by your emotions, with little understanding in the moment of what you are feeling or how to explain it to others.
The struggle to express what you feel or want in relationships leaves you feeling unsatisfied, misunderstood, and alone.
You have an intuitive sense that you are missing out on something – that there is a better, happier, more fulfilled version of yourself that you can’t quite reach.
Profound growth and healing are possible in therapy.
More than anything, you want to feel more aligned with your authentic self and more deeply connected to the people you love.
In therapy, we’ll examine both your current experiences and your past ones in order to do that. By understanding how past experiences have influenced and programmed you for how you act, feel, and think today, we can unlock ways to help you change those things at their core. This frees you to create a future of your own choosing — one that aligns with your authentic self.
At Minds Matter, we don’t approach therapy with an agenda. Instead, your time with your therapist is guided by your goals and what you bring to each session. With a focus on effective, evidence-based therapies, we seek what works in order to offer new perspectives and push the boundaries of comfort to help you experience real growth.
Our goal is that you leave each session with something tangible to apply to your day-to-day: something to think about, something to try, something to read, or another tool to begin making the small tweaks that add up to big change.
Frequently Asked Questions
During the first few sessions, you and your therapist will talk about the struggles that bring you to therapy, your history, and define your goals. At Minds Matter, we have a real-life, practical, and straightforward approach. This means your therapist will be actively involved in your sessions, helping you to achieve your goals.
How long you will be in therapy depends on your needs. The research suggests that most therapy clients feel improvement in 12 - 15 sessions. Some clients feel better enough that they graduate within that time. Others find that they enjoy the process of therapy and want to continue as their lives change and evolve. Our goal is to help you meet your goals as soon as possible. As long as therapy continues to be helpful, we’ll be here to support you.
While we can’t make guarantees, we can tell you that we know growth, healing and change are possible. We see it everyday as we witness our clients evolve and grow toward the vision they have for themselves.
Study after study has shown that the quality of the relationship between client and therapist is the most reliable and the most powerful predictor of a positive outcome in therapy, which is why we offer a free consultation to ensure your prospective therapist at Minds Matter is the right person to help you.
Contact us to schedule a free consultation. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your therapist, and we’ll help you decide if we’re the right fit for you.